Friday, June 6, 2008

Greetings from Down Under !!!!!!

Hello There Fellow Classmates from LSS Year '73.

What an excellent idea to have this blog !

It will be great to catch up with the ol' boys next time I am visiting KL (hopefully July). To fill in the blanks and hopefully rekindle memories I am Harwinderjit (Harwin for short). I was in LSS from 1966 (Mr Anthonysamy's class) to 1973 (Mr Bernard Khoo).

BTW don't forget to visit Bernard's blog (for those who don't know) - Zorro Unmasked. He is a very passionate and energetic blogger plus he hasnt lost his witty humour and pointed barbs (when required).

Post LSS I went To Maxwell from 1974 to 1975, followed by a 5 year stint in UTM doing B.Eng (Electrical). From 1981 to 1983 I worked in Telekom. Left govt service to join Uniphone / Sumitomo JV. I also worked for Sumitomo for 2 years based in Bangkok until 1988.

In between that time got married to wife Ajit in 1985 and we have two sons Amar and Aghi. We migrated to Australia in Dec 1988 and now live in Brisbane, Queensland. Anyone who visits Australia, please drop by Brisbane and say G'Day.

I now run my own project mgt firm providing services in mainly infrastructure construction projects - mostly rail and power projects. Ajit keeps busy in her medical practice and the boys who are 22 and 21 are in their final year in Uni. Amar is doing business with health mgt and Aghi is doing accounting.

Cheers and do feel free to email me or post on this blog. Till next time - ciao

1 comment:

zorro said...

Harwin...grateful you pointed me to this LSS blog. Syabas to the contributors....eagerly waiting to be called for drinks. Muswt meet up when you come visiting in July.Cheers mate.