Happy New Year to the Gang of 73 La Salle Sentul boys! May God shower you and all your loved ones with overflowing life's goodness daily.
Both Robin (now a renowned and crowd pulling English Language cikgu in a local institution) and Vijay (also involved in the education sector in the UK) are planning a big do for all of us to gather in some local resort sometime in April 2013 to share our significant moments that happened between 1973 and 2012. And, it would be a wonderful time to check how little we have enhanced in our physical appearances.
Naturally, it would be a mega challenge to get hold of all our dear classmates to join in this auspicious event BUT we shall all move mountains and cross bridges and swim oceans to reach to our buddies and pull them to this social of the decades.
Do you feel old? NO!!! A bit older yes BUT certainly not old!
Guys, I am terrible with this posting job... I have a recent picture of our Francis Tikus but I tried so hard to upload it here but failed. I will get it in somehow maybe in another post. And, I want you to envy his youthful groovy looks. I bumped into him in Bangsar and got him to pose.
Alrite, thats all for now. Let us keep the news following and to our Tauke Lim Kim Huat, thanks for helping man this site.
Chin Mong 012-3339886
Thursday, January 3, 2013
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