Happy New Year, folks! Though most soothsayers and economists tell us to expect hard times, I believe opportunities abound for the prepared mind. Let's be among those whose mind are prepared to reap the opportunities in 2009!
And, we've got mail... from Vijay and he remembers fondly of us.... though I would not agree I had chubby cheeks. (Was too impoverished in 1973 to have 'em).
With his kind indulgence, I shall reproduce his email to me so that anyone can write to him as well. Or better still, call or look him up if you are in the neighbourhood of Middlesex:
Dear Kim Huat,
I do not know whether you recognise me; anyway it is Vijay who lived a stone throw away from school.
The house next to the bus stop in front of school, No 575 Jalan Sentul. I do remember Chin Mong quite well who lived close-by the Sentul flats.
I was informed by Harwin Re this fantastic reunion website of yours. I am very grateful to you for setting up this blogg as we approach the years of wisdom of our lives.I must say that my education at LSS was the best ever and I am sure that most of our contemporaries would concur to that.It does bring back a lot of memories.
I have always kept in touch with Michael and Preety, and Harwin managed to contact me after 30 years out of the blue just recently in 2005.It was nice to see the pictures of our friends especially Yap Kean Seng- how can I forget him as he used to park his cycle in my house together with the 4th mile Ipoh road gang. It was nice to see Phua Cheng Kan who appears as usual to be professorial. It was nice to see Amarjeet on the scene as memories flow,especially his fantastic MUM who had to keep him constantly under her wraps.
As for me I left Malaysia in 1977 to pursue my further education in the UK and have been stuck here ever since. I am currently,also, in the same sector as Chin Mong and I am currently Senior Lecturer at Birmingham City University in the UK. I am married to a Malaysian Girl,Vasanthi(ex Bukit Nanas Convent student)and we have two children Dinesh (14yrs)and Suweta (11yrs).They are both schooling here in UK.
I would like to take this wonderful opportunity to wish all our fellow colleagues and their families a very peaceful,happy and prosperous New Year 2009.I would appreciate if you would kindly pass our greetings to all concerned and Kim Huat, I salute you for setting up this website in motion. Do you still have the "chubby cheeks"?
Kind Regards,
Vijay Kumar Ramachandran
"Igne Natura Renovatur Integra"
"RAMA" Lodge
5 Acol Crescent
Ruislip, Middlesex
United Kingdom
Tel: 07954142459
E-mail: vjrama.777@blueyonder.co.uk
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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